Employee List

Updating Employee List
You can upload a new employee list to the system or update the information of your registered employees. Step 1 Please click on the Number of Emplo...
Wed, 24 Aug, 2022 at 5:10 PM
Deleting Employee from Sorwe
You can manually remove an employee who leaves the job or does not want to be in the Sorwe system. Click on the Number of Employees field on the Dashboa...
Thu, 24 Jun, 2021 at 2:39 PM
How to See Organization Schema?
When you open the Settings menu in the left menu in the Sorwe admin panel, click on the Organization Schema option. On the page that opens, y...
Thu, 29 Apr, 2021 at 10:26 PM
How to Add New Employee?
When you go to Dashboard in Sorwe admin panel, you can add new employee to Sorwe individually by clicking Add Employee button under the Usage Summary menu. ...
Sun, 16 May, 2021 at 12:32 AM