On the Sorwe Connect Panel you can reach the “Choose From Quiz Templates” area by clicking Feedback > Quiz.
In this page you can use the quiz templates that you have been already prepared or you can just create a new quiz.
Please pursue the following steps to create your test and then to publish them.
Step 1 – Test Content
First of all, fill up the Title and Text areas in the “New Test” page.
Secondly, you should write down the questions and the answers. In this step you can add just one or more than one questions.
Grading is out of 100. Total of the correct answers must be 100, so you should divide the scores according to this rule.
When the employee answers a question incorrectly, you can share your note with marking up the “Notify employee on incorrect answer” button, and then you can add an “Incorrect answer explanation”.
Step 2 – Quiz Result Information
The explanations for incorrect answers will be shown in this step.
Step 3 – Target Audience Selection
You should choose target audience, whom will receive the quiz. The quiz can be sent to all employees, a group of employees or just selected employees.
Different employee groups can be created in Sorwe and this group can be chosen as the target audience for the quiz. Please visit Creating a New Employee Group.
When you have determined the target audience, you can see below the total number of employees which will receive the quiz.
Step 4 – Release Time
You should choose a date to release your quiz. When you do not choose any releasing time, the quiz will be published after you have confirmed the quiz.
Step 5 - Confirmation
After you have completed all this steps, you should click "I approve the test" button in order to publish your quiz.