Click the Learning > E-Learning field in the sorwe admin panel. Than, you can click the "Login to LMS Panel".
Click "Add Course" in the Trainings field from the LMS panel.
You can fill in the Course Name from the directed field. You can add category and description if you want.
When the active area is checked, you can view the training in the E-Library area in your admin panel when you save it.
Optionally, you can customize your training by specifying features such as training code, price, entrance video, capacity, time options, and level.
After the properties are determined, you can add content by clicking the save and add content field with the up arrow button next to the save and select users field. You can add another tutorial with other functions or return to my tutorials area after saving the title of the tutorial.
You can specify the type of file you want to upload when you click the add button in the adding content section to the trainings.
In this area, you can create different types of documents and sections such as Video, Scorm, PDF.
The size of the uploaded files should be 600MB maximum.
For example, after clicking on the add content section and filling the content section, the training series can be created by selecting another type of file by clicking the arrow next to the save and view button and saying save and return to the section list.
You can view all the sections of the training created with different file types as follows.