On the Sorwe connect panel, you will see the page where you can post or categorize the announcement with Communication > Announcement.
- You can write your announcement title in the Subject field.
- You can create your announcement content in the Announcement Text field.
- You can format the announcement content from the upper section (font, color, style, etc.). You can add link, images, video link in the announcement with the rightmost options.
- You can see the preview of the announcements. You can click on the "click here to preview" field in the image below. This is how you can look how it will look before publishing the announcement on Mobile and the Web.
- With "Target Sources", you can choose the employees for whom you will post an announcement.
- You can select the category of your announcement from the "Category" field.
- You can choose how long your announcement will be broadcast from the "Duration" option (end of day, 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months)
- You can choose the option to stay on the screen of the announcement from the "View Type" option.
- Click Submit button and your annoucenment will be posted.
When the second option is selected in the View Type field, the do not send notification to employees option will appear. If this is selected, the employees will not be notified about the announcement. In all other cases, employees are notified in announcements.